H.P.Lovecraft's Dreamlands Wiki
240px-Mount Ngranek by I2ebis

Mount Ngranek is a towering extinct volcano on Oriab, and is two-days ride by zebra from Baharna. Lava gatherers frequent its slopes, but none climb too high for fear of the dreaded nightgaunts.

Caves in Ngranek connect with tunnels that stretch to the lower reaches of the Dreamlands. Nightgaunts regularly use these passageways to travel to and from the Underworld.

The Earth Gods once dwelt on the pinnacle of Ngranek, but now reside at Kadath. The gods have marked their prior residence here, with a gigantic likeness of their image carved into the far side of the mountain. That part of Ngranek is hard to reach because it faces sheer, jagged cliffs and a lava-filled ravine. Rumors hint that men who once lived there angered the gods, but what fate befell them after that is unknown.
